What Caan I Taje.if I.alrwady Took Nexum Again

If you lot know your enemies and know yourself, y'all volition not be imperiled in a hundred battles; ... if y'all do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single boxing.

Dominicus Tzu (孫子 Sūn Zǐ; c. 6th century BC) was a Chinese full general, military strategist, and philosopher who lived in the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China. Sun Tzu is traditionally credited as the writer of The Art of War, a widely influential work of military strategy that has affected both Western and Eastward Asian philosophy and armed services thinking. He is also known equally Dominicus Wu (孫武; Sūn Wǔ), and Chang Qing (長卿; Cháng Qīng).

The Art of State of war [edit]

All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

Chapter titles from Chow-Hou Wee (2003)

Chapter 1 · Detail Assessment and Planning [edit]

  • 兵者,詭道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之遠,遠而示之近,
    • All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when nosotros are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must brand the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, nosotros must make him believe we are near.
    • Variant translations
    • A armed forces operation involves deception. Even though you are competent, appear to exist incompetent. Though constructive, appear to be ineffective.
  • 實而備之,強而避之,怒而撓之,卑而驕之,佚而勞之,親而離之,出其不意,攻其不備。
    • If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, requite him no residuum. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are non expected.
    • Note: "If his forces are united, dissever them" is also interpreted: "If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them."
  • 亂而取之
    • Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.
  • 卑則驕之
    • Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.
  • 孫子曰:國之上下,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。
    • The fine art of state of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to condom or to ruin. Hence it is a subject area of inquiry which tin on no account exist neglected.
  • 夫未戰而廟算勝者,得算多也;未戰而廟算不勝者,得算少也。
    • The general who wins the boxing makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.
  • 將聽吾計,用之必勝,留之;將不聽吾計,用之必敗,去之;
    • The general that hearkens to my counsel and acts upon it, will conquer: let such a one be retained in control! The general that hearkens not to my counsel nor acts upon it, volition endure defeat: — permit such a one exist dismissed!
  • 怒而撓之
    • If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him.

Chapter II · Waging War [edit]

  • 故兵貴勝,不貴久。
    • What is essential in war is victory, not prolonged operations.
  • 近於師者貴賣,貴賣則百姓財竭
    • Where the army is, prices are high; when prices rise the wealth of the people is wearied.
  • 兵久而國利者,未之有也。
    • There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare.

Chapter Iii · Strategic Assail [edit]

  • 上兵伐謀
    • What is of supreme importance in war is to assault the enemy's strategy.
  • 知彼知己,百戰不殆;不知彼而知己,一勝一負;不知彼,不知己,每戰必殆
    • Information technology is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, yous will non be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you practice non know your enemies but do know yourself, you volition win 1 and lose ane; if you do non know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.
    • Variant translations
    • If you lot know others and know yourself, yous volition not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you lot do not know others but know yourself, you win one and lose 1; if you practise not know others and do not know yourself, you lot will be imperiled in every single boxing.
    • Know your enemy and know yourself, find zilch in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself merely not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time.
    • Literal translation: Know [the] other, know [the] self, hundred battles without danger; not knowing [the] other simply know [the] cocky, i win 1 loss; not knowing [the] other, not knowing [the] self, every boxing must [be] lost.
  • 故用兵之法,十則圍之,五則攻之,倍則分之, 敵則能戰之,少則能守之,不若則能避之。
    • Information technology is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's force, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to carve up them; if equal, engage them; if fewer, defend confronting them; if weaker, be able to avert them.
  • 是故百戰百勝,非善之善者也;不戰而屈人之兵,善之善者也。
    • For to win i hundred victories in ane hundred battles is not the pinnacle of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the height of skill.
    • Variant translations
    • Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
    • The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities... Information technology is best to win without fighting.
  • 古之所善戰者,勝於易勝者也。
    • What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not simply wins, just excels in winning with ease.
  • 知可戰與不可戰者勝。
    • He who knows when he tin fight and when he cannot volition exist victorious.
  • 以虞待不虞者勝。
    • He who is prudent and lies in await for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.
  • 凡用兵之法,全國爲上;破國次之;全軍爲上,破軍次之;全旅爲上,破旅次之;全卒爲上,破卒次之;全伍爲上,破伍次之。
    • In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army unabridged than to destroy information technology, to capture a regiment, a disengagement or a company entire than to destroy them.
    • Variant translations
    • It is best to proceed one's own country intact; to crush the enemy's state is but second all-time.
  • 是故上攻伐謀
    • Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.

Chapter 4 · Disposition of the Army [edit]

  • 是故勝兵先勝而後求戰,敗兵先戰而後求勝。
    • Victorious warriors win first and so go to state of war, while defeated warriors get to war first and so seek to win.
    • Variant: Thus it is that in state of war the victorious strategist but seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and later looks for victory.
  • 見勝不過衆人之所識,非善之善者也。
    • To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.
  • 守則不足,攻則有餘
    • 1 defends when his strength is inadequate; he attacks when information technology is abundant.
  • 孫子曰:昔之善戰者,先爲不可勝,以待敵之可勝,不可勝在己,可勝在敵。故善戰者,能爲不可勝,不能使敵必可勝。故曰:勝可知,而不可爲。
    • Sunzi said: The practiced fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy. To secure ourselves confronting defeat lies in our own easily, simply the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. Thus the practiced fighter is able to secure himself confronting defeat, but cannot make sure of defeating the enemy.
    • Translation by Lionel Giles

Chapter V · Forces [edit]

  • 治眾如治寡,分數是也。
    • Management of many is the same as management of few. It is a matter of organization.
  • 積水之激,至於漂石者,勢也。鷙鳥之疾,至於毀折者,節也。
    • When torrential water tosses boulders, it is because of its momentum. When the strike of a hawk breaks the body of its prey, it is considering of timing.
  • 鷙鳥之疾,至於毀折者,節也。
    • The quality of decision is similar the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.
  • 故善戰者,求之於勢,不責於人。
    • A skilled commander seeks victory from the situation and does not demand it of his subordinates.
    • Variant: The skilful in battle seeks his victory from strategic advantage and does not demand information technology from his men.

Chapter VI · Weaknesses and Strengths [edit]

  • 微乎微乎,至於無形;神乎神乎,至於無聲;故能為敵之司命。
    • Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you lot can exist the managing director of the opponent's fate.
    • Culling translation: Subtle and insubstantial, the expert leaves no trace; divinely mysterious, he is inaudible. Thus he is principal of his enemy'due south fate.'
    • Culling translation: O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we acquire to be invisible, through y'all inaudible and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands.
  • 人皆知我所以勝之形,而莫知吾所以制勝之形。
    • All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can encounter is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
  • 故形兵之極,至於無形,無形,則深間不能窺,上智不能謀。
    • The ultimate in disposing i's troops is to exist without ascertainable shape. Then the almost penetrating spies cannot pry in nor tin can the wise lay plans against you.
  • 故善戰者,至人而不至於人。
    • And therefore those skilled in state of war bring the enemy to the field of battle and are not brought there by him.
  • 故敵逸能勞之,飽能飢之,安能動之。出其所不趨,趨其所不意。
    • When the enemy is at ease, exist able to weary him; when well fed, to starve him; when at balance, to make him motility. Appear at places to which he must hasten; movement swiftly where he does not wait you.
  • H2o shapes its course co-ordinate to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing. Therefore, simply as water retains no constant shape, and so in warfare at that place are no constant conditions. He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent and thereby succeed in winning, may be called a sky-built-in captain.
    • Lionel Giles translation

Chapter Vii · Military Maneuvers [edit]

  • 故其疾如風,其徐如林,侵掠如火,不動如山,難知如陰,動如雷霆。
    • Fūrinkazan: 故に其の疾きこと風の如く、其の徐かなること林の如く、侵掠すること火の如く、動かざること山の如く、知りがたきこと陰の如く、動くこと雷霆の如し。
    • Allow your rapidity be that of the wind, your gentleness that of the woods. In raiding and plundering be similar fire, exist immovable like a mountain. Be equally difficult to know every bit the shadow and Motility every bit fast as lightning.
    • as swift as current of air, equally gentle as forest, as fierce equally fire, equally unshakable as mountain.
  • 圍師必闕
    • To a surrounded enemy, yous must leave a way of escape.

Affiliate VIII · Variations and Adaptability [edit]

  • 故用兵之法,無恃其不來,恃吾有以待之;無恃其不攻,恃吾有所不可攻也。
    • The fine art of state of war teaches u.s. to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his non attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.
    • Translation by Lionel Giles

Chapter IX · Movement and Development of Troops [edit]

  • 數賞者,窘也;數罰者,困也;
    • Likewise frequent rewards betoken that the general is at the terminate of his resources; as well frequent punishments that he is in acute distress.
  • In war, numbers lone confer no advantage. Practise not advance relying on sheer military power.
  • 令素行以敎其民,則民服。令不素行以敎其民,則民不服。令素行者,與民相得也。
    • A leader leads past instance not by force.

Chapter Ten · Terrain [edit]

  • 將弱不嚴,敎道不明,將之過也。
    • If words of control are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, the general is to arraign. But if his orders are articulate, and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then information technology is the mistake of their officers.
  • 故戰道必勝,主曰無戰,必戰可也;戰道不勝,主曰必戰,無戰可也;
    • If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you lot must fight, fifty-fifty though the ruler prevent it; if fighting volition not result in victory, and then you must not fight even at the ruler'southward bidding.
  • 進不邀功,退不避罪,唯人是保,而利合於主,國之寶也。
    • The general who advances without appetent fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.
  • 視卒如愛子,故可與之俱死。
    • Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you lot into the deepest valley.

Chapter 11 · The Nine Battlegrounds [edit]

  • 吾士無余財,非惡貨也。無余命,非惡壽也。
    • If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity.
  • 兵之情主速,乘敵所不及,由不虞之途,攻其所不備也。
    • Speed is the essence of war. Have advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions.
  • 施無法之賞,懸無政之令。犯三軍之眾,若使一人。
    • Bestow rewards without respect to customary do; publish orders without respect to precedent. Thus you lot may employ the entire ground forces every bit you would one man.

Affiliate XII · Attacking with Fire [edit]

  • 非利不動,非得不用,非危不戰。主不可以怒而興師,將不可以慍而致戰;合于利而動,不合于利而止。怒可以復喜,慍可以復悅,亡國不可以復存,死者不可以復生。故明君慎之,良將警之,此安國全軍之道也。
    • Move not unless y'all see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical. No ruler should put troops into the field only to gratify his own spleen; no full general should fight a battle but out of pique. If it is to your advantage, make a forward move; if not, stay where yous are. Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content. But a kingdom that has in one case been destroyed can never come up again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought dorsum to life. Hence the enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good full general full of caution. This is the way to keep a country at peace and an ground forces intact.
    • Translation past Lionel Giles

Affiliate Thirteen · Intelligence and Espionage [edit]

  • 敵間之來間我者,因而利之,導而捨之,故反間可得而用也;
    • It is essential to seek out enemy agents who have come to conduct espionage against you and to ransom them to serve yous. Requite them instructions and care for them. Thus doubled agents are recruited and used.
  • 故明君賢將,所以動而勝人,成功出於衆者,先知也。
    • At present the reason the enlightened prince and the wise full general conquer the enemy whenever they move and their achievements surpass those of ordinary men is foreknowledge.
  • 故三軍之事,莫親於間,賞莫厚於間,事莫密於間
    • Of all those in the army close to the commander none is more intimate than the secret amanuensis; of all rewards none more liberal than those given to hole-and-corner agents; of all matters none is more confidential than those relating to hush-hush operations.
  • 此(譯注:用間)兵之要,三軍之所恃而動也。
    • Secret operations are essential in war; upon them the ground forces relies to make its every motion.

Disputed [edit]

  • Build your opponent a gold bridge to retreat across.
    • This has appeared as a variant of Sun Tzu's assertion to "go out a way of escape." Tu Mu, commenting on Sun Tzu, advises, "Show him at that place is a route to safety..." Ch. vii; it has also recently appeared on the internet attributed to Scipio Africanus, but without citation.
  • Appoint people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. Information technology settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you await for the boggling moment — that which they cannot anticipate.
  • Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its toll.
    • Attributed to Dominicus Tzu in multiple books and internet sites, but this text does not appear in The Art of State of war and seems to be a more than recent creation.

Misattributed [edit]

  • Proceed your friends close, and your enemies closer.
    • This has often been attributed to Sun Tzu and sometimes to Petrarch. It comes most straight from a line spoken by Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part II (1974), written past Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola:
      • My begetter taught me many things here. He taught me in this room. He taught me: go on your friends close only your enemies closer.
    • Niccolò Machiavelli, who is too sometimes credited, wrote on the subject in The Prince:
      • It is easier for the prince to make friends of those men who were contented under the former government, and are therefore his enemies, than of those who, being discontented with it, were favourable to him and encouraged him to seize it.
    • In that location are as well some attributions of a relatable comment to Genghis Khan:
      • To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.
        • This is sometimes attributed to Dominicus Tzu in combination with the above quote, as well every bit alone, simply it too has not been sourced to whatsoever published translation of The Art of War, though it is similar in concept to his famous statement in Ch. three : "It is said that if y'all know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles..."
  • Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the dissonance before defeat.
    • Probably apocryphal. This quotation does not appear in any print translation of Sunday Tzu. The first citation in Google Books is from 2002; no citation in Google Books occurs in a translation of Sun Tzu.
  • The true objective of war is peace.
    • This attributed to Sun Tzu and his book The Art of State of war. Actually James Clavell'south foreword in The Art of State of war states, "'the true object of state of war is peace.'" Therefore the quote is stated by James Clavell, but the true origin of Clavell's quotation is unclear. Nonetheless the essence of the quote, that a long state of war exhausts a state and therefore ultimately seeking peace is in the interest of the warring country, is true, as Sun Tzu in Chapter 2 Waging Wars says that "At that place is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare. Information technology is just one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that tin thoroughly understand the assisting way of carrying it on." This has been interpreted past Lionel Giles as "Only one who knows the disastrous furnishings of a long war can realize the supreme importance of rapidity in bringing information technology to a close."
    • Dr. Hiroshi Hatanaka, President of Kobe College, Nishinomiya, Hyōgo, Japan is recorded every bit saying "the real objective of war is peace" in Pacific Stars and Stripes Ryukyu Edition, Tokyo, Nihon (ten February 1949), Page ii, Cavalcade two.
  • Opportunities multiply as they are seized.
    • Sunday Tzu amidst many other war machine thinkers and leaders believed in fate and determination from the correct awarding of theory, the state of the opponent's and 1'southward own power, and a lawmaking for the general and a code for the soldier to follow, rather than the Machiavellian type of intuition that evokes an development of opportunism that brought bang-up historical consequences every bit it dominated over the classical and medieval ethical doctrines. Thus this statement is contrary to Sun Tzu principles. Nevertheless, there is a possible relation to the quote: Quickness is the essence of the war.
  • In peace, prepare for war. In state of war, prepare for peace.
    • Sometimes erroneously prepended to the opening line "The art of war is of vital importance to the State", simply appears to be a variation of the Roman motto "Si vis pacem, para bellum". It'due south not clear who starting time misattributed this phrase to Sun Tzu. The primeval appearance of the phrase in Google Books is 1920, when information technology appeared in a pharmaceutical journal, but no attribution was given then.
  • Fear is the true enemy, the only enemy.
    • Attributed implicitly to Sun Tzu by "William Riker" in the episode The Last Outpost of the TV programme Star Trek: The Next Generation, but no source for this quote predates the episode's airing in 1987.

Quotes most Dominicus Tzu [edit]

  • 吳王曰:「將軍罷休就舍,寡人不願下觀。」孫子曰:「王徒好其言,不能用其實。」於是闔廬知孫子能用兵,卒以為將。西破彊楚,入郢,北威齊晉,顯名諸侯,孫子與有力焉。
    • The King of Wu said,"Enough, general. Retire to your hostel, We do not wish to come down and notice." Lord's day Tzu said, "The male monarch only loves the words, he cannot make use of the reality." After this, Ho-lu knew that Sun Tzu could command troops and in the end appointed him commander. [Later when Wu] defeated mighty Ch'u to its due west and entered its majuscule Ying awed Ch'i and Chin to its north and spread its fame among the feudal lords, it was due in office to Sun Tzu.
      • translated by Tsai-fa Cheng, Zongli Lu, William H. Nienhauser, Jr., and Robert Reynolds, in The Grand Scribe's Records, edited past William H. Nienhauser, Jr.
    • Sima Qian, Records of the Grand Historian, 孫子吳起列傳
  • 諸將效首虜,(休)畢賀,因問信曰:「兵法右倍山陵,前左水澤,今者將軍令臣等反背水陳,曰破趙會食,臣等不服。然竟以勝,此何術也?」信曰:「此在兵法,顧諸君不察耳。兵法不曰『陷之死地而後生,置之亡地而後存』?且信非得素拊循士大夫也,此所謂『驅市人而戰之』,其勢非置之死地,使人人自為戰;今予之生地,皆走,寧尚可得而用之乎!」諸將皆服曰:「善。非臣所及也。」
    • Subsequently the various commanders presented the heads [of the enemies] and the captives, they all offered their congratulations. They took the advantage to ask [Han] Hsin and said, "The Art of War says 'proceed the hills to your right and your back; keep the waters to the forepart or at your left.'' Now you, General, on the contrary ordered your subjects to draw up in assortment with our backs against the river and said, 'We will defeat Chao and feast together.' Your servants were non convinced. However, nosotros won with this in the end. What strategy was this?" [Han] Hsin said, "This is in The Art of War, however, you gentlemen did not find it. Doesn't The Art of War say 'They will survive subsequently being trapped in a fatal situation and volition live on later on existence placed in a hopeless position? Furthermore, I do not have well-trained officers. This is what is chosen 'Drive the street rabble and accept them fight.' The circumstances were that I had to put them in a fatal situation and made every person fight for his life. If I had put them in a safe situation, they would have had already run abroad. How could they have been held and employed?" The various commanders were all convinced and said, "Well put. It is of [a level] that we could not attain."
      • translation past ‎Wang Jing, in The Grand Scribe'due south Records, edited by William H. Nienhauser, Jr.
    • On Battle of Jingxing
    • Sima Qian, Records of the Grand Historian, 淮陰侯列傳
  • Sun Tzu's success teaches usa that a successful general is one who fully calculates his approach and plans to fight in a battle. Nevertheless, the average reader is not able to place Lord's day Tzu'southward teachings on a deeper or philosophical level. This is my reason for writing and exegeses on the Art of War.
    • Cao Cao, 《孫子略解》 Concise Explanations of Sun Tzu
  • The one thing missing from The Art of War is love, ... any sense of altruism, whatever sense of loving your neighbour. It'south just a[tour] how to take advantage of your neighbor, how to triumph over your neighbor, how to manipulate your neighbor. I'm sorry... It'south a very nasty book. How to utilize your spies — that chapter thirteen on spies — is chilling. The whole book — of course it'southward very clever, and of form a lot of it is very true, and of class we can go through life treating people in that way if you want to, but I don't happen to believe that's the best fashion to get. ... The Lúnyǔ [Analects of Confucius] is a superior book to Sūnzi bīngfǎ [The Fine art of War] because the Lúnyǔ talks about morality, talks about caring for your fellow human being being; later on all, the whole idea of ren ... doesn't come in Sūnzi bīngfǎ at all. Sūnzi bīngfǎ is: how to apply your friends and neighbors in order to get the better of them. That doesn't make me experience good. I'chiliad an erstwhile-fashioned kind of guy, and I believe in existence squeamish to people whenever I can. ... You don't become out of your manner like Sun Tzu to manipulate everybody including your friends. For me, Sūnzi bīngfǎ is the dark side of Chinese culture. It'south the dark side. And, I know information technology's there. And in that location's a night side to Western civilisation too. And, therefore, it's of import to be aware of information technology, but not to exist corrupted past it. Not to be polluted by it. Considering it is a very powerfully-polluting little book. Very nasty little book. Let'due south not pretend otherwise.
    • John Minford, Lecture on Culture and Translation at Hang Seng Management Higher (20 February 2016)

See also [edit]

Social and political philosophy
Philosophers Ambedkar • Arendt • Aristotle • Augustine • Aurobindo • Aquinas • Aron • Averroes • Badiou • Bakunin • Baudrillard • Bauman • Bentham • Berlin • Burke • Butler • Camus • Chanakya • Chomsky • Cicero • Comte • Confucius • De Beauvoir • Debord • Du Bois • Durkheim • Emerson • Engels • Fanon • Foucault • Fourier • Franklin • Gandhi • Gentile • Gramsci • Grotius • Habermas • Han Fei • Hayek • Hegel • Heidegger • Hobbes • Hume • Jefferson • Kant • Kierkegaard • Kirk • Kropotkin • Laozi • Leibniz • Lenin • Locke • Luxemburg • Machiavelli • Maistre • Malebranche • Mao • Marcuse • Maritain • Marx • Mencius • Michels • Mill • Mises • Montesquieu • Mozi • Muhammad • Negri • Niebuhr • Nietzsche • Nozick • Oakeshott • Ortega • Paine • Pareto • Plato • Polanyi • Popper • Radhakrishnan • Rand • Rawls • Renan • Rothbard • Rousseau • Royce • Russell • Sade • Santayana • Sartre • Schmitt • Scruton • Searle • Skinner • Smith • Socrates • Sombart • Sowell • Spencer • Spengler • Spinoza • Stirner • Strauss • Sun • Sun Tzu • Taine • Taylor • Thucydides • Thoreau • Tocqueville • Vivekananda • Voltaire • Walzer • Weber • Žižek
Social theories Anarchism • Authoritarianism • Collectivism • Communism • Confucianism • Conservatism • Fascism • Individualism • Liberalism • Libertarianism • Republicanism • Social constructionism • Socialism • Utilitarianism
Concepts Civil disobedience • Justice • Law • Peace • Property • Revolution • Rights • Social contract • Society • Tyranny • War
Forms of rule Elite • Bureaucracy • Democracy • Meritocracy • Monarchy • Plutocracy • Technocracy

External links [edit]



  • Sun Zi'southward The Art of War text translated by Lionel Giles
  • Translation in Simplified Chinese and English language - Chinese Wiki
  • Free eBook of The Art of War translated by Lionel Giles (1910) at Project Gutenberg


Source: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Sun_Tzu

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